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The 8 Best Google Ads Tutorials (Free!) Available Today

 Online advertising is intimidating to begin. There is an auction, especially when it seems like gambling. Do I have to make a keyword bid? I need to create a budget. Describe a campaign. What do extensions mean? (You understand.)

I can relate. I'm still learning what Google Ads (formerly known as Google AdWords) can do, therefore I believe everyone should have access to these straightforward, cost-free instructions to guide them through the procedure.

To be clear, I do not believe you require EVERY instruction available. You could probably only pick one or two, but whether you like watching movies, reading, or engaging in more hands-on activities, there is something for everyone here.

1.Initial Google Partners

Google has by far the best tutorials. There is a lot of information available on Google Ads, so where better to get the real scoop than from the mastermind behind the program? When I wanted to understand the fundamentals of Google Ads, I started here, and Google did not let me down.

I found the Google Partners exam study guide for the Fundamentals exam to be helpful and simple to grasp, even if you're not aiming to become Google Ads Certified. Although it can be challenging to locate (why do you hide this, Google? ), once you do, it is unquestionably a gold mine of knowledge. Both a PDF version that may be downloaded and an online tutorial with cute small movies are available.

Another wonderful way to find a friend to guide you through the fundamentals of Google Ads is on the YouTube channel for Google Partners. Google Ads basics' most recent video was published on February 16, 2016, which is fresh enough for me to believe that all the information is accurate and current. Once more, this is organized for those looking to earn certification, but it is also beneficial in general.

2. Informationgraphic and Guide on Using Google Ads [NEW!]

As part of our ongoing commitment to keeping our audience informed, we just made some revised beginner tutorials available (or experts looking to get back to the basics). Check them out because they have historically been some of our most popular articles.

With a step-by-step method of beginning with Google Ads that is based on education, this guide and infographic transport us back to college. It outlines precisely what duties you should be doing out at each stage of your account setup, from creating goals and identifying your audience through remarketing and optimization.

3. Google Advertising Video Series: "Getting Started" [NEW!]

If watching a video series instead of reading about Google Ads is more your style, check out our popular infographics on the subject! How Does Google Advertising Work?, How Much Does Google Ads Cost?, and Google Advertising Performance Benchmarks by Industry are three one-minute videos that explain how Google Ads work, how much you should spend, and how the market in your industry is competitive. In particular, if you're concerned about presenting expenses or results to your supervisor, these straightforward explanation films are a wonderful place to start.

4.Google Ads 101

There are a ton of Google Ads courses, tutorials, and walkthroughs available on

However, a large percentage of such courses are not free. "AdWords 101: The Beginner's Guide to AdWords" by Jeffery Lane is the greatest free guide I could locate. His voice is quite soothing, and he gives very clear directions.

Although the 1.5 hours of this course may appear intimidating, if you are genuinely interested in learning something, you will remain attentive. Best feature? You may always take a break, get an ice cream, and then resume! Because everyone needs to talk to Ben & Jerry when they are attempting to understand some new, complex online concept.

5. Developing a Successful Google Ads Campaign (from Scratch)

In addition to providing step-by-step instructions for setting up campaigns in Google Ads, Phil Frost also offers some helpful advice on research you should conduct before logging into Google Ads in this fantastic blog post for Kissmetrics. Doing keyword research and making a plan before acting makes the process feel more ordered, and I found this to be tremendously beneficial. We want less anxiety.

Once you understand the fundamentals, his PDF Google Ads checklist, which is available for free download (prepare yourself for the upsell after downloading), is a useful resource for information. It's a good idea to be familiar with concepts like conversion pixels and ad scheduling before diving into these advice since the PDF doesn't cover setup as completely. Yes, the blog post and the PDF file are both lengthy. but with good cause! They are thorough and will support your success in Google Ads if you follow the instructions.

6. A Simple Setup Tutorial for Google Ads

A wonderful piece by Amanda Sibley on the Hubspot blog explains how to setup campaigns, ad groups, and bids for Google Ads and how to compile a list of appropriate keywords. I enjoyed how Amanda walked over the definitions in this post without getting mired down in semantics. Anyone can comprehend that Google Ads is all about crafting complex ads targeted toward the correct kind of people because each new piece of the puzzle fits seamlessly into her story. I kid you not! Optimizing, not trickery.

It should come as no surprise that Hubspot also has a downloadable guide! Again, there will be an upsell before you can access it, but it is free and contains almost all of the information you need to get started. The setup is still largely the same, even if this instruction is older (2012 is virtually the stone age)! On your screen, some of the screenshots might just appear slightly different.

7. Discover Google Ads in Under an Hour

The most scary aspect of entering PPC is frequently getting started with Google Ads. Because of this, Mark Irvine, the resident data genius at WordStream, created his Skillshare course on how to become familiar with Google Ads in under an hour.

Mark is a data analyst at WordStream and also manages several of our internal Google Ads training initiatives. Mark teaches you all you need to know about getting started with Google Advertisements over the course of 11 distinct videos, covering everything from the fundamentals of account structure and composing text ads to keyword research and monitoring the success of your campaign. You'll be prepared to start your first Google Ads campaign by the end of the course, and it's entirely free!.

8. Creating an Ingenious Paid Search Account Structure

The final instructional I can suggest was created by Margot da Cunha for WordStream. From conducting keyword research to modifying ads and ad groups, Margot walks the reader through the first six steps of setting up a Google Ads account. It's brief and to the point, covering only the essentials, and it emphasizes the significance of campaign-level structuring, which I believe is occasionally disregarded. It is large! Pay close attention! The nicest part is that Margot doesn't leave you wondering, "Okay, but what now?," at the conclusion. According to the article, the entire procedure must be modified on a regular basis to ensure that you are meeting your goals and not overspending.


The 8 Best Google Ads Tutorials (Free!) Available Today The 8 Best Google Ads Tutorials (Free!) Available Today Reviewed by F415AL on August 23, 2022 Rating: 5

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