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4 Clever Techniques For Advanced Audience Targeting In Google Ads.

 Check out these four cutting-edge audience targeting strategies to improve the effectiveness and return on investment (ROAS) of your Google Ads Display targeting.

The days of relying simply on keywords to fuel your PPC performance are long gone.

The utilization of audiences in Google Ads has become 10 times more sophisticated thanks to the more lenient keyword match types.

Campaigns must now use audience targeting as part of their overall strategy; it is no longer a choice.

Here, you'll discover four sophisticated audience targeting strategies for optimizing your PPC targeting to make the most of your budget and increase your return on ad spend (ROAS).

1. Use Remarketing Lists Wisely For Search Ads (RLSAs)

You can modify your search ad campaigns depending on the user behavior of past website visitors and focus your bids and targeting options on these users when they conduct Google searches thanks to remarketing lists for search ads (RLSAs).

As an illustration, when consumers are looking for rival brands, target those who spend more than your average buy revenue.

This strategy will enable you to target and show advertisements to users who have historically converted well for you whenever they look up one of your competitors on Google search, which can prevent you from losing clients to your sponsored rivals.

For instance, an online supermarket may track customers who place weekly orders worth more than their average.

In this case, the advertiser may create a second campaign to target and bid on rival terms while utilizing RLSAs to limit the distribution of advertising to users on the list.

This is a terrific approach to make sure that all of your budget goes toward keeping profitable consumers.

Find the average purchase income per user recorded in your Google Analytics if you want to employ this strategy for your account.

Once you have the average order value figure, you can use the audience builder available under Configure > Audiences in Google Analytics to construct an audience list:

Setting event parameters and adding criteria allows you to:

This strategy works especially well in sectors where customers aren't loyal and frequently shop around for the cheapest prices (e.g., in grocery retail).

Applying this list would allow you to target these clients specifically and offer loyalty discounts to keep them from switching to a rival brand:

2. Using RLSAs and Social Audiences Together

When it comes to the size of its audience, Facebook has no competitor with more than 2.9 billion monthly active users.

While Facebook targeting can help you reach a wide audience, another key advantage it provides is the potential level of specificity with which you can target Facebook users.

In contrast to Google Ads, Facebook has detailed information from user profiles as well as information on what users really "Like" or follow.

Utilizing social ads in addition to search marketing might have significant advantages.

For instance, a recent case study from Facebook revealed that using Custom Audience targeting increased the brand Bombas' ad recall by 27 points for evergreen campaigns.

Despite this, I continue to come across a ton of organizations whose strategies for advertising on Facebook and Google are out of sync, making it impossible for them to transfer learnings from one platform to the other and therefore optimize success.

Use Facebook to find new potential customers, and then use search engine targeting to make them more likely to convert.

One of the best sites for broadening your audience and finding potential customers who aren't actively shopping for your goods or services right now is Facebook.

You can increase the likelihood that Facebook clicks will result in new customers by tagging the Facebook ads you run that target these new audience segments. You will then be able to target ads at these users when they search Google using top-of-the-funnel keywords.

In order to do this, you would need to first set up a new Facebook campaign to target new potential clients who aren't already the target of your search advertisements (while excluding current website visits and mailing list subscribers):

In order to do this, you would need to first set up a new Facebook campaign to target new potential clients who aren't already the target of your search advertisements (while excluding current website visits and mailing list subscribers):

Any clicks from this audience will be tracked in Google Analytics under the campaign name you have chosen by adding UTM tags to the final Facebook campaign.

Then, you can use Google Analytics to construct an audience list in which the traffic from this specific Facebook ad is included:

Just like any audience list you establish, keep in mind that in order to be used in Google searches, the list must have at least 1,000 members.

Once you have enough Facebook traffic to fill your audience list, create a Google Ads search campaign using only top-of-funnel keywords, such as queries for information about the goods or services you offer (they must be top-of-funnel because this audience isn't specifically looking for your goods or services).

Apply the remarketing list to the ad groups you've built for your search campaign, selecting the target and bid option, and then click Apply to ensure that only users on your Facebook list of new potential clients see your search advertising.

If you believe that the demand for Google searches in your business has reached its peak, I strongly advise using this strategy since it enables you to successfully generate demand for searches by attracting new users and encouraging consideration of your goods or services.

To increase your reach, you may apply the same method with Microsoft Ads.

3.Utilizing specific affinity audiences

To give advertisers more precise control over audience targeting options on the display network, Google introduced custom affinity audiences.

This addresses the problem with standard Google Ads affinity audiences, which is that not every firm can use a specified affinity audience.

By going to a Display campaign in Google Ads and selecting Targeting > Audience Segments > Your Custom Audience Segments > New Custom Audience, one can create a custom affinity audience.

You can use free form interests entered as keywords or URLs as a stand-in for interest bundles to generate your own customized audience here:

You can use free form interests entered as keywords or URLs as a stand-in for interest bundles to generate your own customized audience here:

Using interests (keywords provided) and URL targeting, the custom affinity targeting in this illustration created an audience of "Garden Enthusiasts."

As you grow your audience, you may get demographic information in real time. This can help you achieve even more granularity to make sure you're focusing on the proper demographic.

Custom affinity audience targeting gives you greater control over the GDN, but I believe it works best for establishing brands.

In order to improve campaign effectiveness, you can stack custom affinity audiences with other types of targeting to take GDN targeting even further.

4. Integrating Remarketing With In-Market Segments

You may set up your campaigns to target customers who are further down the sales funnel and more likely to make a purchase by using in-market audiences.

Google classifies users correctly so you may target the people who are most interested in their goods.

According to Google, you can discern between a buyer's interest and intent by using real-time data and a robust classification system based on in-market behavior.

In-market audiences can help you get additional conversions and interact with customers just before they decide to make a purchase.

You must go to Targeting > In-market and life events > In-market segments in order to target an in-market audience segment.

Here, you may choose to further granulate the high-level categories and obtain a list of the almost 500 in-market audiences that are currently available (highlighted below).

You can drill down to the audience you want to reach by simply clicking the "down" arrow on each In-Market category.

Utilizing in-market segments along with website remarketing lists has the biggest impact on conversions.

With the goal of boosting overall conversions, you can overlay the in-market segments on top of your remarketing lists to broaden reach while keeping a high level of relevancy.


The price of paid search keywords keeps increasing yearly. You'll need to be resourceful to generate new demand if your marketing budget isn't raised to keep pace with the change.

Due in large part to the stronger audience targeting choices (not searcher intent) and lower CPCs offered by other platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, and TikTok, many marketers are shifting significant portions of their budgets to these latter-day media.

Given this and the growing use of automation in Google Ads, I believe Google will keep expanding its options for audience targeting in a way that prioritizes privacy.

The PPC environment is always evolving. Keep up of the most recent features and test some of the aforementioned advice to see if it can help your company achieve better results from paid media.

4 Clever Techniques For Advanced Audience Targeting In Google Ads. 4 Clever Techniques For Advanced Audience Targeting In Google Ads. Reviewed by F415AL on August 20, 2022 Rating: 5

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