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Beginning TikTok Ads: A Complete Guide & Success Steps

 Learn the fundamentals of TikTok advertising, industry best practices, and professional advice that will put you ahead of your rivals.

Marketers and companies are taking notice of the TikTok phenomenon, which will have more than 1 billion active users by 2022.

The social media video-sharing platform has gained enormous popularity since it launched in 2016 and has penetrated over 150 markets.

Although TikTok has had phenomenal development and has a sizable user base, many people are still unsure of what the advertising potential are.

You're not the only one who is unsure about whether to spend money on TikTok advertisements.

You can learn how TikTok works, how to use TikTok Business Manager, and how to create a new campaign with the aid of our TikTok advertisements beginner's tutorial.

We've also added additional guidelines and best practices. Let's start now!

Do you use TikTok?

Ask yourself if your brand is a suitable fit for TikTok before considering advertising advertisements there.

Do I even have a target audience on TikTok?

TikTok is significantly different from social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram because of its relatively young population.

According to reports, Gen Z and Millennials make up the majority of the app's users, who are mostly under 30 years old.

Additionally, when we take into account TikTok's global reach, we can see that it benefits from being widely used everywhere, particularly in the United States, the Middle East, and Asia.

TikTok may therefore represent your brand's greatest unrealized potential if your goods or services appeal to younger people and you have global ambitions.

That being said, even if you own a small, neighborhood business, you can still use TikTok ads to your advantage (more on that later). However, for the time being, let's look at how to use the advertising platform and what's needed to create your first ad campaign.

For further information, see this collection of more than 40 TikTok statistics and facts.

Step 1: Create An Account For TikTok Business Manager

Make an account for your TikTok ads first.

It is important to utilize this distinct login in order to generate advertising, even if you already have a user account.

You must supply some basic information about yourself and your business when you sign up.

You will be prepared to use the self-serve platform after this is finished and your account has been verified.

Step 2 : Create Your First Campaign 


The fun may start after the aforementioned formalities have been completed.

Create your first campaign, give it a meaningful name, and select one of the available objective options.

TikTok's campaign goals include conversions, consideration, and awareness.

These names are rather self-explanatory as far as they go.

If your budget allows, select Awareness to expand your brand's reach and visibility. Alternatively, select Targeting to more precisely target your audience.

If you want likes and to increase your following for better interaction through website traffic, app installs, or video views, select Consideration.

But if increasing conversions is your main marketing target, pick the Corresponding campaign objective.

For the latter, you must make sure the TikTok pixel is installed and set up correctly in order to track and evaluate the effectiveness of your advertisements.

It's imperative to take this action, which is quite similar to adding the Facebook pixel or any other tracking code to your website.

The pixel will also be used by the TikTok algorithm to optimize your campaign and assist you in reaching your objectives.

Budget options for the campaign include a daily budget and a lifetime budget.

It should be noted that the minimum investment needed to promote on TikTok is $50, regardless of which of these two you select.

Step 3: Make Your Ad Group(s) And Ad Placements Choices

You have the option to run your advertising on a single property or a number of them, including the TikTok network's collection of apps like BuzzVideo and Pangle.

Auto-placement is the best choice to start with.

Advanced users have the option of going entirely manual and choosing the ad spots they want to use.


Users who are inexperienced or new to the platform can start out with auto-placement and let TikTok optimize and try various combinations based on the desired results as it figures out which options are most effective.

The automated creative optimization can then be chosen by leaning even more heavily on automation.

Like other platforms (for instance, Google or Facebook), TikTok also allows users to submit a variety of materials and then create ad versions to test for the best performing combinations.

This is a terrific alternative for companies that don't have the resources to create and test ads, but it might not be the best for companies that prefer to maintain greater control and/or have strong brand rules to follow.


The target audience(s) are defined by the ad group settings, which are similar to Facebook ad sets for those who are familiar with them: targeting based on demographics (gender, age, and location), devices, activity, and interests.


Some would contend that the number of available interest categories is small and constrained, or that interests can be quite vague and broad and are therefore less exact (or refined) than what you have on Facebook.

However, we are confident that possibilities will expand and become more valuable as TikTok's advertising continues to change.

Customer Records

It's possible (and frequently recommended) to set up unique audiences using website traffic and engagement data while creating lookalike audiences for prospecting ads using customer lists. The TikTok pixel must be set up and operational.

The time and effort you put into precisely creating laser-targeted audiences and powerful commercials will pay off with better and more satisfying results, just like with any other type of push advertising.

So let's have a look at the imaginative possibilities available.

Step 4: Selecting the Best Ad Type and Creating Powerful Ads

There are many ad alternatives available on TikTok, but not all of them are affordable for all advertisers; some are fairly pricey and better suited for bigger businesses.

Ads in-feed

These are the advertising that, in contrast to some of the other formats, will appear within the feed on the user's "For You Page" and will be naturally integrated with it.

Additionally, users can like, share, and comment on these advertisements.

Brand Takeover Ads

This advertisement is visually appealing and memorable, making it ideal for brands that want to leave a lasting impression and have the funding to do so.

As soon as the user launches the app and navigates to a category, a Brand Takeover ad will appear with a brief full-screen video that plays for three to five seconds.

In order to maximize the impact, TikTok only permits one takeover per user every day.

It should be noted that this is expensive. You'll need to set aside at least $50,000 for it.

PrimeView Ads

TopView advertising are the first videos consumers view when they open the app and, like Brand Takeover commercials, will appear at the top of the user feed.

They also display in full-screen mode. They may last up to 60 seconds, though.

According to TikTok, 72% of users favor TopView, and TopView advertising are said to increase brand recognition and prompt interactions.

Hashtag Contest

Branded hashtag challenges are advertisement forms that encourage user-generated content that is consistent with the company's goods, services, and ideals.

The discovery page's header features hashtag advertising that link to a TikTok landing page with a selection of additional videos from the challenge.

Printed Results

Similar to other platforms, TikTok Branded Effects let businesses build unique stickers, lenses, and general effects that consumers can share and interact with the brand utilizing TikTok's augmented reality (AR) technology.

Up to 10 days can pass between Branded Effects.

Ads by Spark

Spark advertisements are a native format that uses already-posted content and converts it into advertising.

Brands are free to use posts created by creators or their own organic content, and all views, comments, shares, likes, and following are given credit to the original article.

Search Ads

TikTok began experimenting with search adverts last week, which are videos with a "sponsored" label that appear in users' search results.

Once you begin running adverts in search results, you may extract the search keywords for the ads that converted and use those with high click-through rates as titles for your best-performing TikToks, so enhancing the value of your video advertisements.

Although it's not obvious if search advertising are exclusively available to managed accounts, we do know this is a fantastic chance to reach customers who are very likely to make purchases.

Final Points to Consider

Let's talk about what it takes to create a strong and persuasive advertisement now that we've swiftly seen the ad types that advertisers on TikTok can use.

As we've seen, TikTok is somewhat different from other social media networks in terms of its platform, and as such, content production and dissemination must take it into consideration.

First of all, TikTok has a strong sense of community.

This is probably due to the fact that a substantial portion of its users belong to a younger generation that has a strong affinity for authentic content.

These consumers seek out brands that are real and adhere to similar principles.

In light of this, it is crucial that the information promoted is authentic and beneficial to TikTok users.

Businesses that view the platform as a long-term commitment and are eager to begin with TikTok ads could consider boosted organic posts, user-generated content (UGC), or sponsored creators' content.

You'll have a significant advantage over the competition in TikTok advertising if you follow these best practices, tips, and TikTok ad fundamentals.

Beginning TikTok Ads: A Complete Guide & Success Steps Beginning TikTok Ads: A Complete Guide & Success Steps Reviewed by F415AL on August 27, 2022 Rating: 5

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