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Full-funnel marketing with Google Ads

 Full-funnel marketing converts brand-new clients into customers. It typically involves three steps:

  • Awareness. enthusiasm for your brand.
  • Consideration. evaluation in comparison to rivals.
  • Conversion. desired behavior.

The phases make up a funnel. Conversion is at the bottom, followed by consideration and awareness at the top. Let's go through each one starting at the bottom.


Remarketing is a popular bottom-of-funnel strategy that involves advertising to people who have visited your website or taken a particular action. These customers presumably are aware of your services. The objective is to give the final justification for converting, such as extending an offer or bolstering your brand.

Another BOFU tactic is to target searches with high purchase intent. As an illustration, a search for "buy shelves online" has high intent. The following Uline advertisement for that query emphasizes that the shelves are available and can ship today.
The "buy shelves online" advertisement from Uline emphasizes that its shelves are available and can ship today.

Modifiers in search terms are frequently used to indicate more specific purchase intent. So "wire basket shelving" probably serves a more specific purpose than "shelving units." Ad copy and landing pages should be produced in response to high-intent search terms.

Bottom-of-funnel searchers are a potential target for Google's Performance Max campaigns. Although Performance Max is less transparent than other campaign types, you can use audiences that are likely to make purchases. Send audience signals to the algorithm to help it determine the ideal customer personas. Then it will search for those users.

The audience signals used in the example below are recent website visitors and the top converting brand searches. To identify comparable audiences, Google will enlarge this list.
Beginning with audience signals from recent website visitors and the top-converting brand searches, this Performance Max campaign targets a specific audience.

Making sure bid strategies optimize the right conversions is another BOFU strategy. Only that conversion action should be used as the bid strategy in a campaign with purchases as the primary objective. Campaigns with multiple actions—like purchases, email signups, and form submissions—and a max conversion bid strategy compel Google to optimize for the greatest number of conversions overall, rather than just sales.

The account's default conversion settings are applied to campaigns that have no assigned actions.

Campaigns at the top of the funnel should also be optimized for the right conversions. Since consumers are in the awareness stage, a prospecting campaign could be optimized for, say, email signups.


Prospects who are aware of their options and who know what they want are the focus of middle-of-funnel strategies. These brands are frequently compared by MOFU users. The top or bottom of the funnel could be the focus of advertising for MOFU consumers.

Because searchers are comparing and evaluating products, the majority of Google Shopping campaigns are MOFU. Campaigns using targetable customer lists and audiences (i.e., prospects who search for the keyword and are included in the audience) are closer to the bottom of the funnel. Near the top is a Shopping campaign with a single bid for the entire product line of a brand.

MOFU are search campaigns that target third-party brands and categories. Even though the term "baseball gloves" is vague, a brand is targeted by a search for "rawlings baseball gloves". The seeker might be looking for a catcher's glove, a first baseman's glove, etc.


Campaigns at the top of the funnel increase awareness rather than necessarily prompting purchases. The objectives are brand exposure, soft conversions like email signups or video views, and the creation of remarketing lists.

A TOFU should be 3:1 or not at all if a BOFU campaign seeks a 5:1 purchase return. It might be sufficient to bring in a specific number of new visitors in order to construct the funnel.

Excellent TOFU choices include Google's Performance Max, Discovery, Video, and Display campaigns. Each can aim for different kinds of audiences, such as:

  • Affinity,
  • In-market demographics that are specific.
  • Additionally, TOFU supports visual creatives so that prospects can learn more about your brand than just text.
Keep checking the data for topic, placement, and keyword exclusions for Display Network ads. If not, you'll probably get a lot of low-quality traffic. Click the "Content" option in the Display campaign to see where your ads will appear. then take a look at the different entities receiving traffic. Usually, I don't include mobile apps.

Keep checking the data for topic, placement, and keyword exclusions for Display Network ads. If not, you'll probably get a lot of low-quality traffic. Click the "Content" option in the Display campaign to see where your ads will appear. then take a look at the different entities receiving traffic. Usually, I don't include mobile apps.

Another TOFU tactic is to bid on broad-based keywords. A broad search term like "shelving units" shows someone is doing research. Although we can't count on her making a purchase right away, we could introduce our business.
Exclude low-quality traffic, such as that from mobile apps, from Display Network ads.

Full-funnel marketing with Google Ads Full-funnel marketing with Google Ads Reviewed by F415AL on October 23, 2023 Rating: 5

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