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10 Vital Inquiries Before Creating Your Google Ads Account

Ensure a seamless launch of your Google Ads account by addressing critical factors like objectives, assets, audience data, and more. When auditing a Google Ads account, you'll often encounter easily correctable issues, especially when following a checklist. These include:

  • Newer campaign types, like Performance Max and Demand Gen campaigns, lacking essential optimizations to enhance performance and reduce ad spend wastage.
  • Assets (formerly ad extensions) not correctly linked to their respective campaigns.
  • Customer lists uploaded but left unused.
  • Ad copy with typos or spelling errors.
  • Outdated keyword and bidding strategies.

At the same time, you may discover more fundamental issues stemming from insufficient pre-launch planning:

  • Account structures being disorganized, leading to duplicated efforts among campaigns and ad groups.
  • Inconsistent messaging, misaligned assets, and duplicated efforts in poorly structured campaigns.
  • Mismatched expectations and budgets, which can hinder campaign success.

To avoid these fundamental issues in your Google Ads account, consider these 10 crucial questions before creation:

1. What's the primary goal for your new Google Ads account? Defining your objective is vital, as it guides your choice of campaign types. For instance, building awareness for a new product calls for video and display-focused campaigns.

2. Do you possess the necessary assets to support your goal? Google Ads extends beyond simple text ads; omnichannel campaign types like Demand Gen require images and videos.

3. What first-party audience data can support your goal? Existing customer lists can provide a significant advantage.

4. Have you conducted keyword research? Understanding the competitive landscape is essential to crafting an effective launch strategy.

5. Can existing Google Ads data help predict click costs? Past data can offer insights into actual costs.

6. Which metrics will measure success? Consider realistic metrics based on your objectives, whether performance metrics or engagement metrics.

7. How does your brand compare to competitors? Building trust, especially for new entrants, may require additional trust signals on landing pages.

8. What's the post-click experience like? Ensure landing pages provide a positive and coherent experience, even if they're not perfect at launch.

9. Have you created a test-and-learn plan? Keep track of ideas for future testing, even if your initial budget limits testing.

10. What payment method will you use? Avoid disruptions by setting up a backup payment method.

Asking these questions sets you on the right path for a successful Google Ads account launch

Your diligence upfront will pay off when you audit your account in the future, showcasing the benefits of your initial efforts."

10 Vital Inquiries Before Creating Your Google Ads Account 10 Vital Inquiries Before Creating Your Google Ads Account Reviewed by F415AL on October 24, 2023 Rating: 5

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